Efficient measures to minimize obsolescence risks

The sudden unavailability of key components that are essential to the production or repair of long-lived equipment, machinery and devices can have far-reaching economic consequences for affected companies. Obsolescence affects not only electronic components, but increasingly printed circuit board materials, auxiliary materials, software tools, and more.

The 5th Obsolescence Day, organized by the non-profit industry association COGD (Component Obsolescence Group Deutschland) e.V. in cooperation with Messe München, will provide information on how best to protect against obsolescence, what needs to be considered when implementing obsolescence management in your own company, and which tools are indispensable for efficient proactive and reactive risk management.

2024 round table recording

COGD Obsolescence Day - electronica 2024 - Round table discussion

© COGD e.V.

Focus topics include

  • how obsolescence risks in the parts list can be reduced through strategic management of parts identity
  • why professional obsolescence management begins in the design-in phase
  • what useful synergies there are between obsolescence and configuration management
  • why obsolescence management will be a key factor for future cooperation between EMS companies and OEMs

Who is the Obsolescence Day target audience?

The Obsolescence Day is aimed at managers and specialists from the areas of purchasing, logistics, development, production and customer service, such as obsolescence managers, supply chain managers, project managers, etc. from all industries that manufacture and/or distribute durable industrial goods.

Event details

PCB & EMS Marketplace in Hall A1 and at the exhibition stands of 15 COGD member companies

November 15, 2024