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Current and future battery technology

Batteries are considered a key technology for achieving global CO2 reduction targets. Battery parameters such as specific capacity, charging times and safety against thermal runaway are essential for the success of electromobility and the storage of alternative energies.

Mobile electronics and off-grid applications are inconceivable without the right battery and rechargeable battery technology that is as compact as possible. High capacity with compact dimensions, low self-discharge and fast charging as well as robustness and safety are essential requirements.

And on a large scale, batteries and rechargeable batteries are the basis for highly topical trends such as electromobility or the expansion of alternative energies. But which technologies are suitable for which applications? When will promising innovations such as sodium-ion cells be ready for mass use? What other approaches are emerging?

Experts from cell manufacturers, assemblers, processors and users will provide answers in their presentations at the Batteries Forum. Learn about current and future battery trends and find out which technologies are suitable for your project.

Panel discussion on the topic of "Germany as a battery location"

Most cells still come from Asia, but a battery ecosystem of its own is growing up here in Germany. At the Batteries Forum, a high-level panel will discuss how this can succeed and what steps have already been taken or are being planned. In addition to the current and planned production facilities of domestic and foreign manufacturers, important users who use batteries in their products on a large scale will also be discussed.

Focus topics 2024:

  • Current and future cell technologies
  • Charging technologies and strategies
  • Safety and protection against thermal runaway
  • Germany as a battery location

Who is the audience for the forum?

The Batteries Forum is intended to bring cell manufacturers, research institutes and manufacturers together with developers of battery-powered electronics and users for an intensive exchange. Participants will find out about the latest technical trends, which current and future technologies are suitable for their applications and how Germany can further strengthen its position as a battery centre.

Participating in the forum as an exhibitor?

Under certain conditions, you can participate in the Batteries Forum as an exhibitor with a contribution. For more information on how to participate and the costs involved, please contact:

Nicole Wawrzinek

Event details

electronica Stage, Hall A4

November 12, 2024, afternoon