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2.11 Networked Sensors thanks to Single Pair Ethernet (SPE)

16.11.2022 von 16:30 - 17:00

ICM | 

Sprache: Englisch

Vortragsart: Vortrag


In the last decades the Internet changed communication and IT systems dominate many applications areas now. The main reason is eased connectivity by a common communication infrastructure - the IP based network. And there is the so-called Internet of Things (IoT), but wait the vast majority of IoT devices, namely sensors and actuators, are not networkable today. The benefits of integrating these devices directly into the network can hardly be underestimated and with Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) there is now a suitable technology available, which allows to make these tiny things networkable. This talk is an invitation to start with SPE today and already give advice based on user experiences.